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2NL - shortstack strategy
  FvL, Feb 15 2013

Stop, don't shoot. Yet. I'm not trying to become one.
Just randomly thinking about the subject. In a way I feel bad for them.

Risk 40bb to steal the blinds + open raise for a whopping total of $0.09 or, if called, probably flip or worse.
And how do you get enough value out of your top hands?

Turning a cashgame, in which you're (stackwise) in no way limited to play
to the best of your ability, into a MTTish format where your stacksize
kinda dictates what you're supposed to do pre-flop.


And it's not like the majority of the players are super aggressive or open raise way to many hands.
They rather limp. Or, even if that was the case, wouldn't it be better to have more money behind?

It's 2NL!

But the real question is: how do you get to this point?
The point where you're unable to beat the lowest of cashgames, but more important, the
point where losing $2 becomes a problem.

The point where you should have considered quitting, two years ago.

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Great players
  FvL, Jun 05 2012

Poker is like life. Someone has to be the worst at it, for someone else to be the best.
Normal people are somewhere in between, and most of us are convinced to be on the + side of
the average.

I read a blog once, written by Jungleman. Couldn't find it, but I'm pretty sure it said:
“When you're running bad, just try to win two buy-ins each session. Your luck will turn around”
Or something to that effect.

Winning is just something that comes THAT naturally to him when playing poker?

I don't get it. When I run bad I'll lose, at least, two buy-ins each session. When I run normal,
I'm happy to win two buy-ins. My guess: a player like Jungleman doesn't even acknowledge the
spots normal players see as to be “difficult”. They are just “logic” to him. Nature.

Like when a mature, non-disabled person asking me to explain the concepts of “walking” or “writing” to him.
That's how Jungleman must feel when I show him my Hand History and ask for advice.

Must be nice.


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play to learn?
  FvL, Jun 01 2012

Hey LP,
My pokerstory is nothing special.
The only format I've been succesfull in is 9man SnG's up to $11.
Cashgames are where I lost my money, by being to arrogant to start at 2NL and played 25NL-50NL.
Bought "the poker blueprint" but was to lazy to actually read it.

Then I lost my roll at FT and pretty much gave up on poker.
Till 2 months ago I logged in at stars and deposited $10. Played $10NL for a bit.
Was actually down to $3.70 but still ran it up to $30. Altough it was fun, I didn't have time to play.
Needed to travel alot by train, so printed "the poker blueprint" and did read it.
Alot of it made real sense to me. Started playing 2NL Zoom at 1 table and played/ran well.

Now I'm at $88 and only need 24 VPP for the first milestone bonus ($10).
Looking forward to see where I'm at on July 1st.

Sounds stupid, but it really feels good to be actually knowing what I'm doing most of the time/ sometimes.
At least I'm doing most/some things for a reason (not always the right thing for the right reason..)
Thinking about ranges, floptexture, why I bet, bet-fold etc.. The dynamic is great.

- My plan is to play at least 50k more hands on 2NL before moving up.
- Thinking about the game and plays that might work.
- Play to enjoy learning real poker I guess.

Probably tldr.

GL everybody

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